2018年北京中考英语考试已经结束,以下为2018年北京中考英语解析。 2018年是北京市新中考方案实施的第一年,英语试题类型和试卷结构均有调整,体现了稳中求进的改革趋势。英语试题以立德树人、学科育人为中心,凸显社会主义核心价值观、时代发展特点和中华民族传统文化。...
As Koziatek knows, there is learning in just about everything. Nothing is necessarily gained by forcing students to learn geometry at a graffitied desk stuck with generatio...
由该段第二句In Denmark,...it is trying to set voluntary standards for models可知,丹麦等国正在制定模特的标准。与选项[B]New standards are being set in Denmark丹麦正在制定新的标准相符合,故B项为正确答案。而A,C,D项在文中都未提到,属于无中生有。
2.What is the most popular animal in China? 在中国最受欢迎的动物是什么? I'd say a cat or maybe a dog is the most common animal.Today,slightly more obscure animals are gaining in popularity though–for example,my friend has a chinchilla,a very cute ...